DBT Skills Training: Abbreviated
10 Week Course + 2 hr Mindfulness Orientation - 22 hours
DBT HOUSE’s 10 week program covers the basic DBT skills of Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance and Interpersonal Effectiveness outlined in the DBT Skills Handouts and Worksheets: Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan.
In this group, participants will learn skills to assist with labelling and managing emotions; tolerating distress and accepting reality; increasing mindful awareness; and communicating needs to others.
All DBT Group Sessions are 120 minutes in length and conducted virtually.
Participants are required to attend the DBT Orientation & Mindfulness Seminar before starting the course. You can attend this session multiple times during the length of your course, which is recommended to assist with skill acquisition. (This session occurs every 3rd Sunday of the month from 5-7pm EST)
Course Outline:
Group Orientation & Mindfulness
This session will cover: Goals and Guidelines of Skills Training, Options for Solving Any Problem, Skills Training Assumptions, Goals of Mindfulness, Wise Mind, and the Mindfulness What & How Skills.
Distress Tolerance
Week 1: Goals of Distress Tolerance, STOP, TIP
Week 2: Distract, Self Soothe, Improve the Moment
Week 3: Radical Acceptance and Turning the Mind
Week 4: Willingness, Half Smile and Willing Hands
Emotion Regulation
Week 1: Goals of Emotion Regulation, Understanding and Labelling Emotions, Myths about Emotions, A Model for Describing Emotions
Week 2: Check the Facts, Opposite Action, and Problem Solving
Week 3: Accumulating Positives in the Short Term and Long Term
Week 4: Build Mastery, Cope Ahead, Reducing Vulnerabilities to Emotion Mind (PLEASE)
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Week 1: Factors that get in the way of being interpersonally effective, Clarifying Goals in Interpersonal Situations, Skills for Getting Our Needs Met (DEAR MAN)
Week 2: Skills for Maintaining your Relationship in Interpersonal Situations (GIVE), Skills for Maintaining Self Respect in Interpersonal Situations (FAST)
Required Text: DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition, 2014. Participants may consider purchasing the DBT Skills Training Manual instead, which comes with digital access to the Handouts and Worksheets, as well as teaching notes for each skill. This is recommended if you intend on leading a DBT Skills Group.
DBT Skills Group Weekly Agenda:
Mindfulness Practice
Review of Home Practice
New Skills Training
Check Out
Group Discussion and Application to Clinical Practice will be woven into skills training in each session.
DBT encourages a home practice to generalize the skills we learn in Group. For this reason, homework is assigned and reviewed in each session.
DBT Skills Training: Intensive
17 Week Course + 2 hr DBT Orientation / Mindfulness Seminar - 36 hours
DBT HOUSE’s 10 week program covers the basic DBT skills of Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance and Interpersonal Effectiveness outlined in the DBT Skills Handouts and Worksheets: Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan.
In this group, participants will learn skills to assist with labelling and managing emotions; tolerating distress and accepting reality; increasing mindful awareness; and communicating needs to others.
All DBT Group Sessions are 120 minutes in length and conducted virtually.
Participants are required to attend the Mindfulness Orientation before starting the course. You can attend this session multiple times during the length of your course, which is recommended to assist with skill acquisition. (This session occurs every 3rd Sunday of the month from 5-7pm EST)
Course Outline:
Group Orientation & Mindfulness
This session will cover: Goals and Guidelines of Skills Training, Options for Solving Any Problem, Skills Training Assumptions, Goals of Mindfulness, Wise Mind, and the Mindfulness What & How Skills.
Distress Tolerance
Week 1: Goals of Distress Tolerance, Crisis Survival, STOP, Pros & Cons
Week 2: TIP Skills
Week 3: Distract, Self Soothe, Improve the Moment
Week 4: Radical Acceptance and Turning the Mind
Week 5: Willingness, Half Smile and Willing Hands
Week 6: Mindfulness of Current Thoughts
Emotion Regulation
Week 1: Goals of Emotion Regulation, Understanding and Labelling Emotions, Myths about Emotions, A Model for Describing Emotions
Week 2: Check the Facts
Week 3: Opposite Action and Problem Solving
Week 4: Accumulating Positives in the Short Term and Long Term
Week 5: Build Mastery, Cope Ahead, Reducing Vulnerabilities to Emotion Mind (PLEASE)
Week 6: Mindfulness of Current Emotions, Managing Extreme Emotions, Troubleshooting
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Week 1: Goals of Interpersonal Effectiveness, Understanding Obstacles, Interpersonal Myths, Clarifying Goals in Interpersonal Situations
Week 2: Skills for Getting Our Needs Met (DEAR MAN)
Week 3: Asking for what you want while prioritizing your relationship (GIVE), Validation
Week 4: Skills for maintaining Our Self Respect in Interpersonal Situations (FAST)
Week 5: Evaluating Options, Troubleshooting
Required Text: DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition, 2014. Participants may consider purchasing the DBT Skills Training Manual instead, which comes with digital access to the Handouts and Worksheets, as well as teaching notes for each skill. This is recommended if you intend on leading a DBT Skills Group.
DBT Skills Group Weekly Agenda:
Mindfulness Practice
Review of Home Practice
New Skills Training
Check Out
Group Discussion and Application to Clinical Practice will be woven into skills training in each session.
DBT encourages a home practice to generalize the skills we learn in Group. For this reason, homework is assigned and reviewed in each session.
Interpersonal Effectiveness in DBT
8-week Deep Dive into Interpersonal Skills - 16 hours
This DBT Group provides an in-depth training of the DBT skills of Interpersonal Effectiveness outlined in the DBT Skills Handouts and Worksheets: Second Edition by Marsha M. Linehan.
Interpersonal Effectiveness is all about creating healthy relationships and strengthening existing relationships. In this course you will learn skills for how to effectively ask for what you want (or say no), while also maintaining respect for yourself and others. In this experiential skills group you will learn essential skills for assisting your clients in improving their communication in relationships (and in yours as well)! As care providers, we have a tendency to value the needs of others over ourselves and may have difficulties with saying no. This leads to burnout, resentment and ultimately conflict in our relationships. Learn how to establish boundaries, while strengthening your relationships.
All DBT Group Sessions are 120 minutes in length and conducted virtually.
Course Outline:
Week 1: Goals of Interpersonal Effectiveness, Understanding Obstacles, Interpersonal Myths, Clarifying Goals in Interpersonal Situations
Week 2: Skills for getting our needs met (DEAR MAN), Asking for what you want while prioritizing your relationship (GIVE), Skills for maintaining Our Self Respect (FAST)
Week 3: Evaluating Options, Troubleshooting
Week 4: Building Relationships Overview, Finding and Getting People to Like You, Mindfulness of Others, Practicing Loving Kindness
Week 5: Ending Relationships. Review of FAST skill
Week 6: Dialectics
Week 7: Validation of others, Identifying Self Validation and Recovering from Invalidation. Review of GIVE Skill.
Week 8: Behaviour Change Strategies and Review
DBT Skills Group Weekly Agenda:
Mindfulness Practice
Review of Home Practice
New Skills Training
Check Out
Group Discussion and Application to Clinical Practice will be woven into skills training in each session.
DBT encourages a home practice to generalize the skills we learn in Group. For this reason, homework is assigned and reviewed in each session.
No knowledge of DBT is required.
This course is suitable for DBT newbies and the more advanced clinician.
This group is also recommended for participants that have previously attended either the Intensive or Abbreviated DBT Skills Group at DBT HOUSE. ​