DBT Skills Trainings
for Mental Health Professionals
DBT House provides virtual Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Training to mental health clinicians who wish to learn experientially by undergoing DBT Group Therapy.
Why experiential learning?
The best way to learn is by doing. You will learn DBT skills by participating in a virtual DBT Skills Training Group like any DBT client would, where your co-participants are also clinicians. Our aim is to support you in learning DBT to enhance your clinical practice while working on yourself at the same time.

What is DBT?
DBT is a skills-based therapy where the general goal is to "learn how to change your own behaviours, emotions, and thoughts that are linked to problems in living" (Linehan, M., 2015). DBT sets out to solve these problems in living by providing a set of acceptance and change-based skills divided into 4 categories: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Comprehensive DBT consists of 4 components: Individual Therapy, Group Skills Training, Phone Coaching and Consultation for the Therapist. DBT Skills Training alone is a widely used form of therapy that has been demonstrated to be effective in treating individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) as well as those who struggle to regulate emotions; experience their emotions as intense or overwhelming; and have difficulty tolerating distress. DBT Skills are traditionally taught in a group setting, though it is effective for therapists to incorporate the teaching of DBT skills into individuals sessions, as appropriate.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy offers skills that can be applied to many life’s struggles, big or small. While DBT has been shown to be effective for treating suicidality, self harm, addiction, and personality disorders (the list goes on) these skills are also extraordinarily useful to any individual looking to better themselves. Ask any therapist that does DBT and they will be able to list the DBT skills they use on a daily, minute to minute basis in their personal and professional lives. Whether you are here because you want to learn DBT as a clinician or as a living, breathing struggling person like the rest of us, DBT is for you!
Prices are listed in Canadian Dollars. Participants may join from any location.
Contact Us
Please be in touch by completing the form below or contact us directly via email or phone (647-490-0406)